Jimmy Granger Ford of Stonewall

Apr 29, 2021


As summer comes upon us, there are a few things the average car owner needs to be aware of to survive those hot summer months. This blog post offers some tips for summer maintenance to keep you running for this summer and every summer after.

Oil Change

It may seem like common sense, but during those cold winter months it’s easy to forget about your regular oil changes. As the days get longer, it’s a good time to find your oil change sticker, and maybe check the dipstick. If you’re looking a little low or that oil is just a touch too dark, bring it in for an oil change and service check here at Jimmy Granger Ford of Stonewall


As the temperatures get hotter, your cooling system will need to be in peak operating condition. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is to check your coolant. You’ll want it to be right at the cold fill level before you run it, if you see floaties, a dark color, or smell an awful scent, it may be time for a coolant flush. These flushes help keep your cooling system components clean and operating smoothly.

Tires and Brakes

An argument can be made that stopping is more important than going. As the asphalt heats up, so do your tires and brakes. This leads to faster wear. To protect yourself from that, make sure your tires are at the proper inflation and correctly aligned. Our service department offers alignment checks, brake checks, and tire inspections for your convenience, so make sure to stop by!


So it seems like batteries always die in the winter, but this is actually due to changes in temperature! A bad battery can seem fine in the summer, and suddenly die on a cool night. Make sure to come check that battery, especially if you’ve had it more than a year.

Whether you’re just curious what you can do to get your vehicle summer ready or need us to make sure you’re ready for your summer vacation, our service department is just a call away for answers or appointments. Click here to use our online scheduler.